Monday 7 May 2012

May Day SOS - (Search Our Shops)

I don't get on Blogger much these days to post about my comings and goings, but a cheeky day off school means I'm back for a little visit. It is a very wet Bank Holiday here in Banbury today - so I'm snuggled up inside and thought I would catch up on the world of blogging.

After joining Thom for coffee this morning before he left for Oxford I found myself rummaging through a little charity shop 'Age UK'. I had to share my finds with you all because they were a compete bargain and absolutely stunning. I am a real sucker for tin holders, forever finding things to put in them, so it was a treat to come across the following little gems.

The very eccentric shop assistant who complimented my 'Americano' accent made the visit a very pleasant one!

 I LOVE the quirky bits and bobs you can pick up from charity shops - all the above for £9.97!

Thom and I are now into the 2 digit countdown until the big day - 93 days to go. My Year 2s are very excited about the wedding and are forever drawing me pictures. Here is one I thought I would share...

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